It’s not the hugest one around but we thought we’d test run one for our Small/Medium Size dogs to see how much demand there is and if people will utilize it.
If you have a bigger dog, please let us know if it’s something you’d like to use on a regular basis. If we get enough comments and there’s a demand, we’ll get an additional bigger pool (on the big dog side).
$15.00 for a 10 min session is what we’ll be asking.
Mikayla will be the life guard and the pre-washer before hitting the pool person, we’ll post a pic or vid of the session on our Facebook page.🤿
If you have an older dog or a first time swimmer, feel free to bring a doggy life jacket to help things along if you’d like.
Swimming is so beneficial for dogs, great for their joints and such a good low impact workout for them, we’re so happy to offer this!!!